tel.+ 48 600 933 223
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Baner Polesie Hunting


We offer

  • Organizing and assist in deer hunting, driven hunt and wild boar hunting in Poland
  • Accomodation
  • Transport
  • Help with formal issues

Gunter 008and unfortunatelly another spring-summer roe bucks season behind us. We would like to present statistics net weight of trophies in 2012 shoot for our clients:

Up to 149 g 2 pcs what is 0,97%
150 - 199 g 5 pcs 2,42%
200 - 249 g 13 pcs 6,28%
250 - 299 g 50 pcs 24,15%
300 - 349 g 59 pcs 28,50%
350 - 399 g 50 psc 24,15%
400 - 449 g 24 pcs 11,59%
450 - 499 g 2 pcs 0,97%
500 g and more 2 pcs 0,97%


Like You see the most popular bucks are between 250-450 grams, some of them was a medal trophies..... do not wait join us at 2013!!!


Polesie Hunting Poland
Orla 8
20-022 Lublin

tel: +48 600 933 223
fax:+48 81 532 42 00
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Coming soon


Adrenaline....excitements....action....wild boar fever coming soon - we would like to invite You for driven hunting in Poland!!!